File worked fine yesterday and when I went to open it today it just kept shutting down on me just as soon as it would open. I finally got it to open and then I received the error that there was not enough memory to process and I needed to shut down other applications and free up resources. The file does not have any external links but what I figured out is that it would shut down when it started calculating. So I opened up a new excel workbook and change to manually calculate data. Then opened that file back up and it did not shut down and stayed open this time. I do not have any heavy calculations in this workbook at all. So I saved a copy of the file and changed it to a zip file and opened it up. then looked at the worsheet sizes Sheet1 showed 42MB and I don't see how that is, it has 7,155 rows of data without any formulas and goes to column OJ which leads me back to previous forum posts where I have issues with Excel workbooks is when the data columns exceed the 250 column threashold and I have it set as Table. My PC is very powerful and capable of handling huge work books. I have already checked for blank unused cells and that is not an issue. Is sheet1 when viewed from zip file the first sheet in the Excel file or is it the file listed as Sheet1 in the VBA Editor? Either way both of those sheets should not be 42MB in size unless the columns are causing that.