Rate Limit Troubles on Azure for Students
Kaleb Cole
Reputation points
I am a student at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia using my Azure for Students subscription for a group project. We are encountering issues with our chatbot's performance and need some assistance.
- We are using the standard pricing tier with the Azure for Students subscription, which has a cap of 1,000 tokens (as outlined https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/quotas-limits).
- Despite working with simple, low-token conversations, we frequently encounter rate limit errors. We're unsure why this is happening. We are not sending/receiving anywhere near 1k tokens.
- Our chatbot takes over a minute to respond, which we suspect may be related to these rate limits.
- We looked at this post (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1696619/exceeded-token-rate-limit-for-first-(short)-prompt) and we are not able to select gpt-4-32k
Our resources are located in Australia East and we attempted in US East. Could you help us understand why these delays and rate limit issues are occurring and suggest any potential solutions?
Thank you for your support.
Best regards,
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