@Bathula, Umesh Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Forum, Thank you for posting your query here! . Please run the below pip install command:
python -m pip install azure-ai-documentintelligence
Then update the endpoint
, key
and path of your pdf
file in below sample code.
I tested with below sample code and that worked fine.
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
from azure.ai.documentintelligence import DocumentIntelligenceClient
from azure.ai.documentintelligence.models import AnalyzeResult
endpoint = "https://XXXXXXXX.cognitiveservices.azure.com/"
key = "51b635cXXXXXXX3bd715dc8"
document_intelligence_client = DocumentIntelligenceClient(endpoint=endpoint, credential=AzureKeyCredential(key))
with open("MY_SAMPLE_PDF_FILE.pdf", "rb") as f:
poller = document_intelligence_client.begin_analyze_document(
"prebuilt-layout", analyze_request=f, content_type="application/octet-stream"
result: AnalyzeResult = poller.result()
if result.styles and any([style.is_handwritten for style in result.styles]):
print("Document contains handwritten content")
print("Document does not contain handwritten content")
for page in result.pages:
print(f"----Analyzing layout from page #{page.page_number}----")
print(f"Page has width: {page.width} and height: {page.height}, measured with unit: {page.unit}")
if page.lines:
for line_idx, line in enumerate(page.lines):
f"...Line # {line_idx} and text '{line.content}' "
f"within bounding polygon '{line.polygon}'"
if page.selection_marks:
for selection_mark in page.selection_marks:
f"Selection mark is '{selection_mark.state}' within bounding polygon "
f"'{selection_mark.polygon}' and has a confidence of {selection_mark.confidence}"
if result.tables:
for table_idx, table in enumerate(result.tables):
print(f"Table # {table_idx} has {table.row_count} rows and " f"{table.column_count} columns")
if table.bounding_regions:
for region in table.bounding_regions:
print(f"Table # {table_idx} location on page: {region.page_number} is {region.polygon}")
for cell in table.cells:
print(f"...Cell[{cell.row_index}][{cell.column_index}] has text '{cell.content}'")
if cell.bounding_regions:
for region in cell.bounding_regions:
print(f"...content on page {region.page_number} is within bounding polygon '{region.polygon}'")
Detailed sample code is available here:
Hope this helps. If you have any follow-up questions, please let me know. I would be happy to help.
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