Location provided by DATA_SOURCE 'sales_data' cannot contain any wildcards.
Getting this error while following instructions in https://microsoftlearning.github.io/dp-203-azure-data-engineer/Instructions/Labs/03-Transform-data-with-sql.html
while running following code:
USE Sales;
SELECT Item AS Product, SUM(Quantity) AS ItemsSold, ROUND(SUM(UnitPrice) - SUM(TaxAmount), 2) AS NetRevenue
FROM OPENROWSET( BULK 'sales/csv/*.csv',
DATA_SOURCE = 'sales_data', FORMAT = 'CSV', PARSER_VERSION = '2.0', HEADER_ROW = TRUE ) AS orders GROUP BY Item;
Usage of filepath function with DATA_SOURCE 'sales_data' might result in unexpected results if number of wildcards in data source LOCATION changes. Location provided by DATA_SOURCE 'sales_data' cannot contain any wildcards.
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