Fatima Masood , Apologies for the delayed response.
Based on my understanding of your issue, kindly check the query payloads in the browser to ensure they match exactly what is displayed in the AOAI playground.
As outlined in this doc - How to index data from Azure SQL in Azure AI Search - Use a view if you need to consolidate data from multiple tables. Large views aren't ideal for SQL indexer. A workaround is to create a new table just for ingestion into your Azure AI Search index. You'll be able to use SQL integrated change tracking, which is easier to implement than High Water Mark.
Just to isolate, if you are using chunked documents, ensure that the indexing process is correctly set up. There was a case where chunked documents were not reindexed properly when a document was deleted.
Kindly let us know how it goes I'll follow-up with you further.
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