Hello Dan Pham,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A and thank you for posting your questions here.
Regarding your explanation, you would like to automate the training of a custom speech model through PowerShell.
Absolutely, you can automate the training of a custom speech model using PowerShell with the Azure Speech service. This is an example of steps to take, use the links for more detailed steps and code snippet:
# Set Up Configuration
spx --% config @key --set SpeechSubscriptionKey
spx --% config @region --set SpeechServiceRegion
# Create a Custom Speech Project
spx --% csr project create --name "ProjectName" --language "en-US" --description "Description" --output url "@project.txt"
# Upload Datasets for pronunciation data
spx --% csr dataset upload --name "pronunciation_data" --description "data for pronunciation model" --data .\pronunciation.txt --kind Pronunciation --project "@project.txt" --output url "@dataset.pm.txt"
# For language model adaptation
spx --% csr dataset upload --name "language_model_data" --description "data for language model adaptation" --data .\language_model.txt --kind Language --project "@project.txt" --output url "@dataset.lm.txt"
# For evaluation data
spx --% csr dataset upload --name "test_data_1" --description "Test data for evaluation" --data .\test_data_1.zip --kind Acoustic --project "@project.txt" --output url "@dataset.test1.txt"
# Check Dataset Status
spx --% csr dataset status --dataset "@dataset.pm.txt" --wait
# Train the Custom Model
spx --% csr model train --project "@project.txt" --datasets "@dataset.pm.txt,@dataset.lm.txt" --output url "@model.txt"
# Evaluate the Model
spx --% csr model evaluate --model "@model.txt" --dataset "@dataset.test1.txt" --output url "@evaluation.txt"
These commands help automate the process of creating projects, uploading datasets, training models, and evaluating them https://github.com/Azure/custom-speech-stt/blob/main/automate.md and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/speech-service/how-to-custom-speech-train-model
I hope this is helpful! Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions.
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