Hello Minh Nguyen Truong,
Thank you for reaching Microsoft Support!
The error message you’re seeing indicates that your tenant has reached the maximum number of webhook subscriptions allowed. Here are a few steps you can take to resolve this issue:
- Review Existing Subscriptions: Check your current subscriptions to see if there are any that can be deleted or consolidated. You can list your existing subscriptions using the following endpoint:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/subscriptions
- Optimize Subscriptions: Consider optimizing your webhook subscriptions. For example, if you have multiple subscriptions for similar events, you might be able to consolidate them into fewer subscriptions.
- Check for Unused Subscriptions: Sometimes, subscriptions might not be actively used but still count towards your limit. Make sure to clean up any unused or expired subscriptions.
Please check documentation.
Certain limits apply to Azure AD based resources (users, groups) and will generate errors when exceeded.
Maximum subscription quotas:
- Per app: 50,000 total subscriptions
- Per tenant: 1000 total subscriptions across all apps
- Per app and tenant combination: 100 total subscriptions
When the limits are exceeded, attempts to create a subscription will result in an error response - 403 Forbidden.
Hope this helps.
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