if you check the MS docs about import/export: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/hybrid/how-to-connect-import-export-config#:~:text=Each%20time%20the%20configuration%20is,exported%20to%20%25ProgramData%25%5CAADConnect.
You will find this:
Each time the configuration is changed from the Azure AD Connect wizard, a new time-stamped JSON settings file is automatically exported to %ProgramData%\AADConnect. The settings file name is of the form Applied-SynchronizationPolicy-*.JSON, where the last part of the file name is a time stamp.
So I guess if you have access to the file system, you should get the configuration.
Also In such case, I d recommend to run the full sync on a new server with staging enabled to check it does not mess up anything.
P.S. Even if the JSON import would not work, it is still readable and you might be able to setup a new AAD manually accrodingly.
Good luck.