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Windows Server 2019 NIC Teaming: Access is denied
Hi All,
I have came across a very strange issue, where creating NIC team from domain/administrator or .\administrator is generating access denied error.
No events in event logs are being recorded.
I also tried creating new team from Powershell using "NetLBFOteam" utility, still got the same error.
Is it group policy issue?
I am not able to identify any group policy which may affect this.
Please help!
5 answers
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Gloria Gu 3,921 Reputation points
2020-12-22T06:37:31.207+00:00 @Rohit Chauhan Hi,
Thank you for posting in Q&A!
Based on my research , usually "access deny" error is related to permission issue. Have you ever tried to log in with another account in Local Administrator group to test?
Merry Christmas, Hope you have a nice day : )
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Gloria Gu 3,921 Reputation points
2020-12-23T05:23:56.87+00:00 Hi,
Thank you for posting in Q&A!
If you want to check the GPO of your computer, please first Disabling the User Account Control (UAC) temporarily and use the command(run as ADmin)
gpresult /h c:\reports.html
The result will automatically generated into "c:\reports.htm".About how to Disabling the User Account Control:
https://support.faxmakeronline.gfi.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015150240-Disabling-the-User-Account-Control-UAC-Hope you have a nice day : )
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TIMMERMANS Stefan 1 Reputation point
2021-03-09T15:02:13.137+00:00 I discovered at our place that a GPO had disabled the "Network Connection Broker service" , a service on which the "Connected Devices Platform Service " depends on . Make sure both services are started.
If you try to do a team manipulation , like moving a NIC teammember in or out of the team , the operation requires that the Connected Devices Platform Service is started, otherwise you might come accross system log eventid id 7001, referring to this.
We noticed this when we set the Network Connection Broker service to manual (start triggered) , it was actually running when we altered the Teaming configuration but not by opening the console and just looking at it.
Jerry Schliephake 0 Reputation points
2023-10-14T09:59:57.35+00:00 I just ran across this issue, via the GUI on 2016. I couldn't add an additional NIC and kept getting an access is denied banner in the team properties dialogue. Until I accidentally lucked into right clicking on the server listed in the NIC Teaming configuration window and found the "Enable Administration" option. I checked that and no more access denied. This isn't a direct answer as it's obviously not powershell, but it may just send someone in the right direction.
Hope this helps someone.