Retrieve subcriptionId of license's tenant provided by an indirect provider as an indirect reseller
I'm sorry if this topic has already been resolved, but I couldn't find any information matching my request.
I am currently an indirect reseller working with an indirect provider on Microsoft Patner Center. I order licenses for my clients via my application using my indirect provider's API.
The problem arises when I want to synchronize my client's tenant to see which users they have and what licenses these users possess, using the Microsoft Graph API endpoints:
The subscriptionId that my indirect provider gave me for the license does not match the one I have on the tenant. So I cannot determine which subscription corresponds to which subscription. I have already discussed this with them, and apparently, this is the subscriptionId they get from the Microsoft PAC Portal.
I don't know where this mismatch comes from, and I thought maybe you could help me resolve this issue.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.