Is there any way to convert the information found through the WM query into a handle?
I've got three monitors, one of which I've disconnected through Windows settings
Through the C ා code,
managementobjectsearcher disp = new managementobjectsearcher (@ "root / WMI", "select * from wmimonitorid");
foreach (ManagementObject mo in disp.Get ())
Three displays are available
The output information is as follows:
Active: True
Ins tanceName:DISPLAY \AOC2252\4&1ef5b1b7&0&UID206355_0
Manufac turerName:System.UInt16 []strData=AOC
Prod uctCodeID:System.UInt16 []strData=2252
Seria lNumberID:System.UInt16 []strData=HLDF51A015368
UserFri endlyName:System.UInt16 []strData=2252W
UserFriendlyN ameLength:13
WeekOfMa nufacture:20
YearOfMa nufacture:2015
Ins tanceName:DISPLAY \BEA2313\4&1ef5b1b7&0&UID13762560_0
Manufac turerName:System.UInt16 []strData=BEA
Prod uctCodeID:System.UInt16 []strData=2313
Seria lNumberID:System.UInt16 []strData=16843009
UserFri endlyName:System.UInt16 []strData=CL15-HDMI
UserFriendlyN ameLength:13
WeekOfMa nufacture:0
YearOfMa nufacture:2015
Ins tanceName:DISPLAY \AOC2252\4&1ef5b1b7&0&UID200195_0
Manufac turerName:System.UInt16 []strData=AOC
Prod uctCodeID:System.UInt16 []strData=2252
Seria lNumberID:System.UInt16 []strData=0
UserFri endlyName:System.UInt16 []strData=2252W
UserFriendlyN ameLength:13
WeekOfMa nufacture:30
YearOfMa nufacture:2018
Is there any way to convert the information obtained into the handle of the display