When you perform a "Select Contains" searching for several words and their synonims and inflections, for each selected record Sql Server knows the number of word matches and knows which words have matched. It uses those values to generate RANK.
How can I find out that information? Is there a structure that contains statistical information about each matched record?
Since I don't have that information, after performing a "Select Contains", in order to highlight the matches with a background color, I have to do a text search in each retrieved record searching for each of the words entered by the user + the synonyms of each word + the inflections of each word.
Consider that, perhaps, the program performs 1000 subsequent searches on each returned record and that slows down the display on the screen.
Rodger Kong it reminded me that there is this link about the structure that contains the values for each match. The problem is that I don't know how to retrieve that structure. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/search/limit-search-results-with-rank?view=sql-server-ver16#statistics-for-ranking