Hi Zuuber,
Thank you for reaching out to us on the Microsoft Q&A forum.
As an original poster cannot accept their own answer, I am reposting it so that you can accept it an answer. Accepted answer will help other community members navigate to the appropriate solutions.
Issue: Accessing file share over P2S VPN using Entra Domain Services as authentication.
Solution: As the VPN gateway and Entra Domain Services are on different VNETs there was already peering between the VNETs setup but 'Allow gateway or route server in VNET1 to forward traffic to VNET2' needed to be selected within VNET1 peering config and 'Enable VNET2 to use 'VNET1s' remote gateway or route server' needed selecting in VNET2 peering option.
Remember to "Accept Answer" so that others in the community who are experiencing similar challenges can easily find a solution.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated.