Hi Walid,
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A community.
It sounds like the issue might be related to cached data in Outlook. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve the duplicate room entries:
Clear the Outlook Cache:
Close Outlook.
Navigate to C:\Users[YourUsername]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook.
Delete the .ost file associated with your profile (Outlook will recreate it when you restart).
Restart Outlook and let it re-sync.
Update the Global Address List (GAL):
Ensure that the GAL is updated to reflect the changes. This can sometimes take a while to propagate, so you might need to wait or manually update it.
Check for Duplicate Entries in Exchange:
Use PowerShell to check for duplicate room entries:
Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails RoomMailbox | Format-List Name,PrimarySmtpAddress,EmailAddresses
Ensure that there are no duplicate entries with the same email addresses.
Verify Room Mailbox Settings:
Make sure that the room mailboxes have the correct primary SMTP address and aliases set up.
You can use the following PowerShell command to check:
Get-Mailbox -Identity "RoomMailboxName" | Format-List Name,PrimarySmtpAddress,EmailAddresses
Re-sync Outlook:
Sometimes, simply re-syncing Outlook can resolve these issues. You can do this by:
Going to File > Account Settings > Account Settings.
Select your account and click Repair.
Check Outlook Web App (OWA):
Verify if the issue persists in OWA. If it doesn’t, the problem is likely with the Outlook client cache.