Try this code, it eliminate the impact of the definition of first day of week.
DECLARE @current_datetime DATETIME
DECLARE @wd_today INT
DECLARE @date_thisWed DATE
DECLARE @date_thisFri DATE
DECLARE @time_cutoff TIME
DECLARE @datetime_thiscutoff DATETIME2
DECLARE @date_nextExec DATE
SET @time_cutoff = '17:00:00.0000000' --Cutoff time from your configuration
SET @current_datetime = GETDATE() --Current date & time
SET @wd_today = DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @current_datetime) + (@@DATEFIRST - 1)
SET @wd_today = IIF( @wd_today<= 7, @wd_today, @wd_today - 7) -- Today's week day, Mon. is 1, Tues. is 2...
SET @date_thisWed = DATEADD(DAY, 3 - @wd_today, @current_datetime) --Date of this Wed.
SET @date_thisFri = DATEADD(DAY, 5 - @wd_today, @current_datetime) --Date of this Fri.
SET @datetime_thiscutoff = DATETIME2FROMPARTS --Get cutoff date & time of this week
DATEPART(year, @date_thisFri),
DATEPART(month, @date_thisFri),
DATEPART(day, @date_thisFri),
DATEPART(hour, @time_cutoff),
DATEPART(minute, @time_cutoff),
DATEPART(second, @time_cutoff),
DATEPART(nanosecond, @time_cutoff),
SET @date_nextExec = IIF( @current_datetime <= @datetime_thiscutoff, DATEADD(week, 1 , @date_thisWed), DATEADD(week, 2 , @date_thisWed)) -- Get next execution date
SELECT @date_nextExec