We have a single site server that also has the DP role installed on it. We noticed that clients cannot get content from this DP and the application log on that server is giving the following error:
"component SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER on computer <site server> reported: Distribution Manager failed to connect to the distribution point.
Possible cause: Distribution Manager cannot access the distribution point machine because of access permissions issues.
Solution: Make sure that the site server machine account or Site System Installation account has administrative permissions on the distribution point machine."
So the SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER component on the site server cannot communicate with the DP role on the site server.
IIS WMI compatibility is installed as is Remote Differential Compression. I have tried using the site server account as well as a service account with local admin rights as the Site System Installation account but neither made a difference.
This behavior started after I did a site recovery.
Suggestions, anyone?