If you have VM Insights enabled in Azure Monitor, you should have the necessary data collected to view the individual disks. Please note, in Linux these will be on a per partition basis. By default, you can already view the Logical Disk Space Used %. Navigate to VM under Insights in Monitor portal. Click Performance, Top N List, Select Logical Disk Space Used %.
If you wanted to get the actual amount of space left you can utilize the FreeSpaceMB metric in your Query and convert to GB.
Example Query from previous post:
| where Origin == "vm.azm.ms"
| where Namespace == "LogicalDisk"
| where Name == "FreeSpaceMB"
| extend Disk = tostring(todynamic(Tags).['vm.azm.ms/mountId']) // Extract the disks
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by Computer, Disk // Get the most recent sample of the performance counter
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Disk, FreeSpaceGB = round(Val /1024,2) // Tidy the results up
Hope this helps! Let me know if you still have questions or need further assistance.
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