Hello @Chukwuma Akunyili To download Azure Functions Core Tools, you can use the Windows Package Manager (winget) or download it from GitHub.
Here are the steps to download it using both methods:
Using winget:
- Open PowerShell or Command Prompt as an administrator.
- Run the following command to install winget (if you haven't already installed it): ```
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri [https://aka.ms/winget-cli](https://aka.ms/winget-cli) -OutFile winget-cli.msixbundle Add-AppPackage .\winget-cli.msixbundle
- Run the following command to install Azure Functions Core Tools:
winget install Azure.FunctionsCoreTools
Using GitHub:
- Go to the Azure Functions Core Tools GitHub repository (https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-core-tools).
- Click on the "Releases" tab.
- Download the latest release for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
- Extract the downloaded file to a folder of your choice.
- Add the folder to your system's PATH environment variable. If you're still having trouble downloading Azure Functions Core Tools, it may be due to network issues or other factors.
You can try downloading it from a different network or using a download manager to help with the download process.
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