Hi Maira Tariq,
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A forum.
As I understand, you are trying to enable pg_cron
in my server on my custom database (not postgres), but I am getting the permission error: ERROR: permission denied for schema cron.
Please use Azure-cron_management:
Provides a workaround to manage pg_cron permissions in Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server without full admin rights, focusing on custom users needing to execute scheduled tasks securely.
Run the create_schema.sql
script on the database where pg_cron
is installed, typically the postgres
database. If you have modified the cron.database_name
parameter to a different database and wish to manage it from there, adjust accordingly.
psql -f create_schema.sql postgres
Once the schema is created, grant privileges to the new objects to the user designated to manage pg_cron
. Replace myuser
with your user name.
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA cron_management TO myuser; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION cron_management.alter_job(job_id bigint, schedule text, command text, database text, username text, active boolean) TO myuser; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION cron_management.schedule(schedule text, command text) TO myuser; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION cron_management.schedule(job_name text, schedule text, command text) TO myuser; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION cron_management.schedule_in_database(job_name text, schedule text, command text, database text, username text, active boolean) TO myuser; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION cron_management.unschedule(job_id bigint) TO myuser; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION cron_management.unschedule(job_name name) TO myuser; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION cron_management.show_jobs() TO myuser; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION cron_management.show_job_runs() TO myuser;
Check if your user is able to schedule jobs:
SELECT cron_management.schedule('* * * * *','ANALYZE pg_class;');
Refer: https://github.com/AlicjaKucharczyk/Azure-cron_management
Let us know if this helped or you have more queries.