Hi @Jacob Nguyen
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A, thanks for posting your query.
Azure Blob Storage does not natively support a feature where the server calculates and returns the MD5 checksum of a block after it has been uploaded. The typical workflow requires the client to compute the MD5 checksum before uploading the block and then send it as part of the request.
The best practice is that you always calculate hash of a downloaded blob and keep it as baseline
Blobs uploaded by PutBlob will have Content-MD5 calculated by Storage service. But Blobs uploaded PutBlock/PutBlockList won’t have it, and client needs to calculate locally and set it to x-ms-blob-content-md5 Blob property explicitly. When client doesn’t do it, it’s empty. Above recommendation is based on such different cases. Reference: https://technet2.github.io/Wiki/blogs/windowsazurestorage/windows-azure-blob-md5-overview.html
For larger files storage does not calculate the MD5 hash of the full blob because each block is written separately. You can work around this by calculating and manually setting the md5 hash when uploading your files. Note the md5 hash is in base64. See the example below for how to upload a blob while calculating and setting the Content-MD5 property:
az storage blob upload -c test -n md5test -f ./test.img --content-md5 cat test.img | openssl dgst -md5 -binary | base64
- MD5 hash checks on Azure Blob Storage files
- Smaller files are not an issue since all the files smaller than 64MB will have Content-MD5 populated by the platform. For larger files, we can either have an azure function that can react on the events or perform a batch operation by spinning up some VMs and calculating MD5.
“The MD5 hash calculated from the downloaded data does not match the MD5 hash stored in the property of source: For more information see here
Hope the above answer helps! Please let us know do you have any further queries.