Where to put the code?

Ben Tam 216 Reputation points

I following the book "C# Tutorial" (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/tutorials/default-interface-methods-versions).
Since the book doesn't mention where the code should be placed, I just paste the code on a new tab "customer-relationship.cs".


The other codes are as follows.


using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
namespace customer_relationship  
    // <SnippetICustomerVersion1>  
    public interface ICustomer  
        IEnumerable<IOrder> PreviousOrders { get; }  
        DateTime DateJoined { get; }  
        DateTime? LastOrder { get; }  
        string Name { get; }  
        IDictionary<DateTime, string> Reminders { get; }  
    // </SnippetICustomerVersion1>  


using System;

namespace customer_relationship
// <SnippetIOrderVersion1>
public interface IOrder
DateTime Purchased { get; }
decimal Cost { get; }
// </SnippetIOrderVersion1>


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace customer_relationship
public class SampleCustomer : ICustomer
public SampleCustomer(string name, DateTime dateJoined) =>
(Name, DateJoined) = (name, dateJoined);

    private readonly List<IOrder> allOrders = new List<IOrder>();  

    public IEnumerable<IOrder> PreviousOrders => allOrders;  

    public DateTime DateJoined { get; }  

    public DateTime? LastOrder { get; private set; }  

    public string Name { get; }  

    private readonly Dictionary<DateTime, string> reminders = new Dictionary<DateTime, string>();  
    public IDictionary<DateTime, string> Reminders => reminders;  

    public void AddOrder(IOrder order)  
        if (order.Purchased > (LastOrder ?? DateTime.MinValue))  
            LastOrder = order.Purchased;  



using System;

namespace customer_relationship
// <SnippetIOrderVersion1>
public interface IOrder
DateTime Purchased { get; }
decimal Cost { get; }
// </SnippetIOrderVersion1>

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Accepted answer
  1. Daniel Zhang-MSFT 9,621 Reputation points

    Hi BenTam-3243,
    The document point that "You can see the entire finished code in our samples repo on GitHub."
    And we can see that the " public static void SetLoyaltyThresholds SetLoyaltyThresholds" code is placed in ICustomer.cs.
    Best Regards,
    Daniel Zhang

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  1. Viorel 113.4K Reputation points

    According to tutorial and used members, I think that you should put it inside ICustomer interface.