Hi All,
I am just mounting a directory of Azure Data Lake Gen2 instance in a Notebook cell using Service Principal. I fetched the Object ID (OID) of the Service Principal using the command "az ad sp show" and using the OID, I provided "Read", "Write" and "Execute" access to a directory in ADLS.
Now, from the Notebook in Databricks, I ran the commands to mount the directory, which ran successfully. Afterwards, I tried to run the command to see all the contents present in that monted directory using the command -
but getting the following error every time -
AbfsRestOperationException: GET https://datalakegen2oindrila.dfs.core.windows.net/databricks-container?resource=filesystem&maxResults=500&directory=JSON-Data&timeout=90&recursive=false
StatusDescription=This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.
ErrorMessage=This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.