Thanks for the question! If understanding is correct the request is to use a different cert name for each managed cert. If so, the best approach right now is to use the following PS script to provide a custom cert name to a managed cert.
With the upcoming portal deployment, portal will be using a unique name for cert name that should help you accomplish the same.
$location = "West Europe"
$ResourceGroupName = "myRG"
$AppServicePlanName = "myASP"
$appName = "mywebapp"
$domainName = ""
$asp = Get-AzResource -Name $AppServicePlanName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
-ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms"
$AppServicePlanId = $asp.ResourceId
$PropertiesObject = @{
canonicalName = $domainName
serverFarmId = $AppServicePlanId
New-AzResource -Name $domainName -Location $location -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/certificates
$freeCert = Get-AzResource -ResourceName $domainName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
-ResourceType Microsoft.Web/certificates `
$PropertiesObject = @{
SslState = "SniEnabled"
thumbprint = $freeCert.Properties.thumbprint
$certName = $appName + '/' + $domainName
New-AzResource -Name $certName -Location $location -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/hostnameBindings
Please let us know if this helps.