According to Roy's comments, to create a package for uploading to Microsoft Store, it is necessary to use a developer account to associate the application with the store by Visual Studio.
After that, you can use the publish wizard or MakeAppx to create upload package for uploading to Microsoft Store.
Failed to submit UWP app with an error "You cannot submit pre-compiled .NET Native packages"
Reputation points
I developed a UWP app with desktop bridge that enables AppService feature following MSFT's sample code on GitHub.
In my solution file, I have projects as below:
- UWP app project
- UWP class library project
- Google FlatBuffers .NET class library project
- Desktop Bridge (C++ desktop application project)
- Windows application packaging project (adding UWP app and bridge app as references)
For some reasons, I need to create a sideload package and submit it via Partner Center.
After creating the package (extension name is msixbundle) from WAP project and trying to upload it to store, it shows "You cannot submit pre-compiled .NET Native packages".
Could anyone provide some tips for me to solve this problem?
Accepted answer
PeterWu 191 Reputation points