OSD Boot Media Using token-based authentication - Configmgr 2010

Warren Pilkington 31 Reputation points

One feature I noted in Configmgr version 2010 was the option to be able to use OS deployment task sequence using boot media for Internet-connected clients, for example if they needed to be rebuilt / reimaged.

We use the token-based option in our Cloud Management Gateway which has been working well. I created the task sequence and the boot media, ensuring that the CMG was used as the management point. All good.

However, the boot media does boot, can see the CMG and attempts to get its necessary token from it in order to get the policies for the task sequence deployments, but returns this error, almost as if it's actually attempting PKI authentication to get the token when it doesn't need to:


Is this a limitation of using the token-based authentication that it cannot get a bulk registration token for OSD (and if so, does that need documenting) or are there any other suggestions which may be able to work around this issue?

Microsoft Configuration Manager Deployment
Microsoft Configuration Manager Deployment
Microsoft Configuration Manager: An integrated solution for for managing large groups of personal computers and servers.Deployment: The process of delivering, assembling, and maintaining a particular version of a software system at a site.
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  1. Jason Sandys 31,311 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    If token-based wasn't working at all, then there'd be no communication between the CMG, the internal MP and clients - but comms for those are working fine with token-based auth.

    Correct and I concur.

    but would the CA also need to be visible in order for it to be reachable in terms of trust?

    No specifically, no, however, the CRL for the CA needs to be accessible and that can be hosted in a variety of ways, one of which must be accessible. I don't believe there is a way to disable CRL checking during WinPE.

    You may be able to add the cert from the internal root CA to your site's configuration (on the Communication Security tab of the site's properties). This is meant to add the CA as trusted on managed devices as well as within boot images although this was specifically designed for sites using HTTPS client communication, so I don't 100% know if it will work for this newer scenario. I think that it should, but I haven't tested explicitly. You will have to regen the boot image after adding the cert. And further, disabling CRL checking on this same page may also disable CRL checking in the boot image as well -- it does normally for the HTTPS client communication scenario but not sure for this scenario.

    Here's a random screenshot from the web for reference in case you are not familiar with this property page: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=jwWIntbt&id=2D27B2A53759DBE7725E3FB4300EA443E9661D94&thid=OIP.jwWIntbt19DgotM5Cnr62AHaHH&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fsocial.technet.microsoft.com%2fForums%2fgetfile%2f1605721&exph=568&expw=591&q=%22Communication+Security%22+sccm&simid=608043979562289357&ck=704C8B3066F7C6706CBF4F2E8E41CFF6&selectedIndex=1&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0

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  2. Jason Sandys 31,311 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Your above issue is unrelated to the bulk registration token but is instead related to the certificate used on your CMG and the client (running the boot image in this case) not trusting that certificate or the PKI that issued it.

    Did you use an internal PKI to generate the CMG certificate? If so, then there's no built-in method for this system to trust that PKI. You'll either have to switch to a certificate issued from a public CA or use a pre-start script to add the PKI as trusted during the startup of WinPE.

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  3. Warren Pilkington 31 Reputation points

    Hi Jason,

    The CMG certificate was generated as per documentation from our Enterprise CA (with the correct subject name of the CMG name of course) and exported as a PFX - then added as the PKI cert during setup when the cloud management gateway was added.

    If token-based wasn't working at all, then there'd be no communication between the CMG, the internal MP and clients - but comms for those are working fine with token-based auth.

    So in terms of adding the PKI as trusted during WinPE startup, I would imagine we'd need a pre-start command to trust that - but would the CA also need to be visible in order for it to be reachable in terms of trust?

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  4. Jason Sandys 31,311 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    how would I establish trust in the boot media so that when the CMG is contacted,

    As noted, by adding the PKI to the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities on the Communication Security page and recreating your boot media (you may also have to update your boot images but I'm not 100% sure on that).

  5. Warren Pilkington 31 Reputation points

    Good news - I now have it working and the boot media authenticates with the CMG. The suggestion from @Jason Sandys was correct, but I missed something crucial as below.

    What I worked out was that the root CA cert to be specified in the site properties needed the root and the intermediate CA (so two .cer files imported) - so that the full certification path was available in the boot image to authenticate the path in the PKI certificate uploaded to the CMG (the cert on the CMG showed the path to intermediate then root)

    In addition, any changes made in the site properties also seems to increase the version of the configuration for the CMG in the ConfigMgr cnsole, so it was then a case of ensuring the CMG configuration was synchronised (for consistency), and once done, then create the media. I was able to create as a self-signed cert, and the two CA certs were embedded in the boot image. I could then see in SMSTS.log that this then added the certs to the store:


    followed by a successful authentication:


    So I can see the task sequences now.

    So it does work if not using full PKI, but the key as Jason mentioned is to have the right CA certs in site properties so the full cert path of your PKI cert on the CMG (the one with your CMG as the CN name), check the config on the CMG has updated, then do the boot media.

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