DataFactory Tumbling window trigger problem:
I have been receiving an error while datafactory deployment.
TumblingWindowTriggerStartTimeUpdateNotAllowed Start time cannot be updated for Tumbling Window Trigger.
It was working previously, but since 2 weeks it is not able to update the trigger.
Alternatively i tried 2 thing:
- started deleting the trigger during deployment and then deploying again. With this, another issue occured as the trigger starts again from the creation date.
$tumblingWindowTriggers = $triggersADF | Where-Object { $_.Properties -like 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.TumblingWindowTrigger'}
if ($null -ne $tumblingWindowTriggers.Name){
foreach ($trgName in $tumblingWindowTriggers.Name){
Remove-AzDataFactoryV2Trigger -Name $trgName -ResourceGroupName $r -DataFactoryName $getDataFactoryV2.DataFactoryName -Force
Start-Sleep -s 5
- : Used a conditional statement to stop tumbling window trigger deployment by editing the JSON on the fly:
conditon : '[parameters(''isTumblingTrgNewDeployment'')]'
Still the bug remains. What if the time changes for tumbling trigger. Which means trigger has to deleted, time updated and the deployed.
Sure, i can go for the complex way: While updating json: check the date in json file, if its same as in datafactory then donot update else update the trigger date, delete it and than deploy again.
Any idea when this bug will be fixed?