@Danny Thanks for the question. To prevent unnecessary files from being included in the snapshot, make an ignore file (.gitignore or .amlignore) in the directory. With regards to the snapshotted set of files, you could create a “.amlignore” file following a similar syntax as a gitignore files to prevent uploading of files as a snapshot with your runs. I could see you have leveraged this.
Please follow the doc for the same.
Generally Compute target takes a long time to start: The Docker images for compute targets are loaded from Azure Container Registry (ACR). By default, Azure Machine Learning creates an ACR that uses the basic service tier. Changing the ACR for your workspace to standard or premium tier may reduce the time it takes to build and load images. For more information, see Azure Container Registry service tiers.
Compute Instance is a managed cloud-based workstation for data scientists which makes it easy to get started with ML development on AzureML while providing management and enterprise readiness capabilities. Compute instances support the full lifecycle of inner-loop ML development on AzureML. Compute instance is fully customizable by data scientists and is tightly integrated with Azure ML workspace.
Compute instances can be used for running notebooks through first-class web experiences for popular tools such as JupyterLab, Jupyter, and integrated notebooks and running R scripts. Compute instance can also be used as a training compute target.