Is that Azure application gateway supports TCP catching ?

John 1 Reputation point

Is that Azure application gateway supports TCP catching ?

Azure Application Gateway
Azure Application Gateway
An Azure service that provides a platform-managed, scalable, and highly available application delivery controller as a service.
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  1. Andriy Bilous 10,996 Reputation points MVP

    Hello @John
    I think you are interesting in TCP packet capture.

    Unfortunately there is no native Packet capture support in Application gateway, but you can use diagnostic logs

    1. Access log - This includes the caller's IP, requested URL, response latency, return code, and bytes in and out.
    2. Performance log: This log captures performance information for each instance, including total requests served, throughput in bytes, total requests served, failed request count, and healthy and unhealthy back-end instance count.

    3.Firewall Log: You can use this log to view the requests that are logged through either detection or prevention mode of an application gateway that is configured with the web application firewall.

    You can create feature request in so it could be considered and implemented in future

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  2. John 1 Reputation point

    I have few queries.

    1. Does Azure application gateway supports TCP caching and connection pooling ?
    2. If it is possible then before enabling or doing anything for TCP caching and connection pooling in Azure application gateway do
      we need any downtime ?
    3. if we enable it what can be the drawbacks and will it be any issues in enabling it, if it is available ?

  3. SaiKishor-MSFT 17,216 Reputation points


    We don't support caching for App GW or customer configurable connection pooling. Could you explain your use case so I understand better what you are looking for?

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