Windows 10 Unable to remove or forget Wifi for PC's

Komendat Jason 6 Reputation points

We're getting more and more cases where a user cannot remove the Wifi SSIS from their PC IE they change their home WIfi Password and need to forget it and add it again with the new PWD.

I have one with me and I am logged in as a different user and when you hit forget it just goes grey. When I try the PS command netsh wlan delete profile name=NAME. I get "You do not have sufficient privileges or the profile.... on interface Wifi is a group policy profile.

Its not a GP pushed wifi profile its users home or etc they have added. We use the same ver of windows on all our PC's and I pulled another laptop logged in as the same user and can add and remove the Wifi fine. I am using a different account from the user so its not a user profile issue.

What am I missing

Windows 10 Network
Windows 10 Network
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.Network: A group of devices that communicate either wirelessly or via a physical connection.
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