@Rohit Shindhe with regards to your asset not uploading, you can use create or update asset API where you don't need to specify the baseUri, just the asset name in the body:
"properties": {
"input": {
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Media.JobInputAsset",
"assetName": "job1-InputAsset"
"outputs": [
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Media.JobOutputAsset",
"assetName": "job1-OutputAsset"
"correlationData": {
"key1": "value1",
"Key 2": "Value 2"
Since you are specifying the baseUri, your issue is it's not in the correct SAS URL format. To get the correct format, you can use the list List Container SAS API to ensure you're uploading your assets to the correct storage container.
Going that route, you shouldn't need an AD token as the SAS url will have the correct permissions in the sig