Great ! Thanks. It is like a miracle. It was not working yesterday, but now, it is working ! :)
But there is still no template as you can see:
Problem with C# WinForms .NET Core ... is Olia Gavrysh in here ? :)
Hello boys and girls from MS,
I am trying your C# .NET core WinForms but there is a problem:
In MS VS 2019 v16.8.4 there is no template to create C# .NET core WinForms project.
If I try to load a project from older version MS VS 2019 v16.7.4 I am receiving an error 0x80131500.
See pictures below. What I have to do now ?
JerryM 1,121 Reputation points
3 additional answers
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Karen Payne MVP 35,461 Reputation points
2021-01-26T18:07:07.007+00:00 Hello,
From the VS developer command prompt try starting in safe mode as per the following. Safe mode disables anything not absolutely needed, see if the problem persist.
Next if the above does not work try running the VS Installer and do a repair.
If that fails, use the feedback/issues button, top right corner of the IDE and report this as a issue.
Double click on the project file, should look like this.<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <OutputType>WinExe</OutputType> <LangVersion>latest</LangVersion> <TargetFramework>net5.0-windows</TargetFramework> <RootNamespace>YourNamespace goes here</RootNamespace> <UseWindowsForms>true</UseWindowsForms> </PropertyGroup> </Project>
Castorix31 86,316 Reputation points
2021-01-26T18:45:40.593+00:00 I have VS 2019 v16.8.4 version and Winforms .NET Core is :
I got same error as you
I changed to .NET 5.0, I re-started the project and it worked : -
JerryM 1,121 Reputation points
2021-01-27T15:50:15.877+00:00 ok, thanks you for your help