@Artur Rybarczyk I checked logs in Cloudyn and found the following:
- I found out that Application Secret Key is still invalid. This causes errors during data collection attempts from Partner Center API.
- I found a record about attempt to rediscover subscriptions (reconnect) for tenant 64a4xxx4-9f70-4xx7-a9b7-2f5xxxx6b31. Cloudyn can’t get a list of service principals:
Request: GET https://graph.windows.net/64a4xxx4-9f70-4xx7-a9b7-2f5xxxx6b31/servicePrincipals?api-version=1.6&$filter=appId%20eq%20'83e638ef-7885-479f-bbe8-9150acccdb3d'
Response: {"odata.metadata":"https://graph.windows.net/64a4xxx4-9f70-4xx7-a9b7-2f5xxxx6b31/$metadata#directoryObjects","value":[]}
This might happen if the user who attempts to reconnect tenant doesn’t have permissions to list service principals.
As subscriptions are active in Partner Center, Cloudyn will try to collect data from Partner Center API. Application Secret Key has to be updated in order to resume collection from Partner Center API.
Reconnecting tenant would allow Cloudyn collect data from Management API. Though for CSP subscriptions Cloudyn does not process cost data acquired from Management API. In order to reconnect tenant and reactivate subscriptions user who performs reconnection should have permissions to view service principals and grant read access on subscriptions to service principals.
Here’s a doc on subscriptions activation: Activate Azure subscriptions and accounts | Microsoft Learn
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