The 2021 long term supported release of Windows 10 IoT Enterprise will combine the best of IoT Core and IoT Enterprise by offering several new features in a smaller footprint on both x64 and ARM64 hardware. Going forward, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise will be the only non-server version of Windows 10 IoT offered. (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/internet-of-things/moving-forward-with-windows-ce-using-the-windows-ce-app/ba-p/1582360)
The Windows CE App Container software requires an updated version of Windows Compact 2013 (Build number 6294 from June 2020 or later) along with updated Windows 10 IoT Core Packages for x64 and ARM32 (August 2020 update or later). To obtain the latest packages for Windows 10 IoT Core, please contact your Microsoft distributor. (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/iot-core/windows-ce-app-container-getting-started#prerequisites)
- With Windows 10 IoT Core Services, your Windows 10 IoT Core OS will continue to receive security updates until 2029, no feature update.
- To support Windows CE App Container, don't worry about public released prebuild IoT version, what you need is updated Windows 10 IoT Core Packages for x64 and ARM32 (August 2020 update or later). This you may contact your local Microsoft distributor.