Hi @Mel Buckner ,
Welcome to the Microsoft TSQL Q&A Forum!
As ErlandSommarskog mentioned, because you did not provide relevant data and expected results, we are temporarily unable to provide you with advice. But according to your description, I wrote an example, which may be useful to you:
create table #test(today date)
insert into #test values('2021-01-01'),('2020-12-21'),('2020-12-01'),('2020-10-01')
;with cte
as(select today,DATEBUCKET,case when DATEBUCKET between 0 and 30 then 1
when DATEBUCKET between 31 and 45 then 2
when DATEBUCKET between 46 and 60 then 3
when DATEBUCKET >60 then 4 end rn
from (select today,DATEDIFF(DAY,today,GETDATE()) DATEBUCKET from #test) t)
select today,DATEBUCKET,case when rn=1 then DATEBUCKET end [0-30 days],
case when rn=2 then DATEBUCKET end [31-45 days],
case when rn=3 then DATEBUCKET end [46-60 days],
case when rn=4 then DATEBUCKET end [60+ days]
from cte
If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
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