1- Do i have Active directory without domain controller? and promote DC on other Server?
A active directory has many services (AD DS, AD FS, AD CS..), the domain controller is the server where the service active directory domain service is running , so, without domain controller we can't talk about active directory domain service.
1- is Directory Services introduced in win 2000 and then changed to active directory?
The Directory service in one of service of active directory :
2-is ADDS exactly Domain Controller?
No, The domain controller is the server where the ADDS service is ruuning.
3- Is the term Active Directory, which is currently used in many books, the same as the domain controller?
No, Active directory have many service like AD DS, AD FS, AD CS , AD RMS , a domain controller is the server where the AD DS service is running.
You can also refer to the following link : active-directory-vs-domain-controller
4- Is the domain controller installed first, then the Active Directory?
If you want install new domain , you have to promote a domain controller where the service AD DS will be running
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