Error when trying to migrate from IOTCentral v2 to V3

Cameron Backus 41 Reputation points

I am getting a message that I need to migrate from v2 to v3 in Azure IoT Central. I click on the migrate button and then enter a new application name and get this error:

We couldn't create your new app

Something went wrong when we tried to create your V3 app. Please refer to the error log to take actions if possible or contact support and reference this error code:
500.120.070.001 / 4osv7p8ihq.23

I am using a new unique name - have tried several with no special characters etc.
Any help wiould be greatly apreciated.

Azure Migrate
Azure Migrate
A central hub of Azure cloud migration services and tools to discover, assess, and migrate workloads to the cloud.
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Azure IoT Central
Azure IoT Central
An Azure hosted internet of things (IoT) application platform.
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Accepted answer
  1. Troy H 86 Reputation points

    @Cameron Backus - This particular error suggests there may be an invalid character somewhere. Clicking on "error log" in the error message will open up a JSON file that shows the details of the exact error. It will show you which template(s) and which field(s) have the issue.

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