Thanks for your answer.
I'm getting closer to it working but can't fathom out the last bit.
Here's my code....
Dim sString As String = Nothing
Using sr As New StreamReader("c:\temp\test.ini")
sString = sr.ReadToEnd()
End Using
Dim sSubString = sString.Substring(sString.LastIndexOf("|") + 1)
Dim procStartInfo As System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo = New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd", "/k" & ("tzutil.exe /s " + """" + sSubString + """"))
Dim proc As System.Diagnostics.Process = New System.Diagnostics.Process()
proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo
When i run it, i get the following message
TZUTIL: Invalid time zone Montevideo Standard Time.
Use TZUTIL /l for a list of valid time zones.
If i manually type in the command tzutil /s Montevideo Standard Time, i get this
C:\Users\Admin\OneDrive\Projects\Timezone\TimeZone\TimeZone\bin\Debug>tzutil /s montevideo Standard Time
TZUTIL: Invalid number of arguments for /s.
Use TZUTIL /? for a list of valid options.
However, if i type in tzutil /s "Montevideo Standard Time" it runs succesfully!
Therefore, how do i add quote marks either side?
Many thanks and apologies for perhaps an obvious question