Script table components but not table itself.

chrisrdba 361 Reputation points

Greetings. I need to drop/ recreate > 250 tables w LOB data to a new filegroup, as this is the only way to reclaim unused space for the files in that filegroup.

The common approach for dealing w this is to 1) export the data to a new table in the new FG. 2) drop the old table. 3) Rename the new table

However, in pondering all of this it occurred to me I'd also need to recreate foreign keys, triggers, etc. (number 4)

I'm looking for an automated way to do this. My hope for # 1 was to simply use SELECT...INTO. This will create the tables correctly and handle the data itself.

Numbers 2 and 3 would be easy enough.

But # 4 is where I'm stuck. I can use either the GUI or SMO to generate the scripts for these objects, but of course that script will include the CREATE TABLE itself, which is what I wouldn't want in this scenario.

Is there a way to do this withOUT the actual CREATE TABLE statement? I know I could open the script once it's generated and remove it, but that's not exactly optimal for this scenario.


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  1. Erland Sommarskog 102.2K Reputation points

    I posted a procedure last night, but I deleted it, because that procedure only moves foreign keys. The procedure below also moves indexes and triggers.

    The idea is this: you move the table to the guest schema:

    ALTER SCHEMA guest TRANSFER dbo.tbl

    Then you create the table new in the dbo schema and copy data over. Then you run:

    EXEC MoveFkeyIxTri 'tbl'

    And it will copy all constraints, triggers and indexes, and re-target all referencing constraints. Once you done this, you can drop the old table.

    Since the procedure is a couple of hundred lines, I wanted to attach it, but the Q&A platform was not really co-operative in that regard today.

       This procedures copies foreign key, triggers and non-constraint indexes from guest.@tblname to
       @tblname and re-targets referencing foreign keys from pointing to guest.@tblname to @tbl.
       guest.@tblname is assumed to be the old version of @tblname, and @tblname is the new one. Date
       should have been copied to @tblname prior to running this procedure.
       @tblname must be in the dbo schema.
       If some object (fkey, index of trigger) is not to be copied, for instance because the definition
       is no longer valid, pass it in @exceptions.
       The copying part of the procedure is not transactional, and any erros are trapped and displayed,
       but execution continues. (Since in case of accidents you can drop @tbl and start over). The part
       that moves the referencing foreign keys is transactional and must pass in whole. (To save you from
       having a mess to clean up.)
    -- Preliminaries. Since we have a table type, we cannot use CREATE OR ALTER, but we need to
    -- drop, so type can be recreated.
    DROP TYPE IF EXISTS ExceptionList
    CREATE TYPE ExceptionList AS TABLE (exception sysname NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)
    CREATE PROCEDURE MoveFkeyIxTri @tblname     sysname,
                                   @exceptions  ExceptionList READONLY AS
       DECLARE @old_tbl     nvarchar(150),
               @new_tbl     sysname,
               @old_tbl_id  int,
               @new_tbl_id  int,
               @index_id    int,
               @stats_id    int,
               @ref_table   nvarchar(1024),
               @ref_schema  nvarchar(129),
               @cnst_name   nvarchar(1024),
               @fkcols      nvarchar(MAX),
               @parentcols  nvarchar(MAX),
               @upd_action  nvarchar(60),
               @del_action  nvarchar(60),
               @repl_action nvarchar(60),
               @sql         nvarchar(MAX),
               @cur         CURSOR
       SELECT @old_tbl = 'guest.' + quotename(@tblname),
              @new_tbl = 'dbo.' + quotename(@tblname)
       SELECT @old_tbl_id = object_id(@old_tbl), @new_tbl_id = object_id(@new_tbl)
       IF @old_tbl_id IS NULL
          RAISERROR('The table %s does not exist.', 16, 1, @old_tbl)
       IF @new_tbl_id IS NULL
          RAISERROR('The table %s does not exist.', 16, 1, @new_tbl)
       -- Basic check that data bas been copied.
       IF (SELECT MAX(rows) FROM sys.partitions WHERE object_id = @old_tbl_id) > 0 AND
          (SELECT MAX(rows) FROM sys.partitions WHERE object_id = @new_tbl_id) = 0
          RAISERROR('The data in %s has not been copied to %s', 16, 1, @old_tbl, @new_tbl)
          SELECT CASE WHEN f.referenced_object_id <> f.parent_object_id
                      THEN quotename( + '.' + quotename(
                      ELSE @new_tbl
                 fc1.collist.value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)'),
                 fc2.collist.value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)'),
                 replace(f.update_referential_action_desc, '_', ' '),
                 replace(f.delete_referential_action_desc, '_', ' '),
                 CASE WHEN f.is_not_for_replication = 1
                      THEN 'NOT FOR REPLICATION'
                      ELSE ''
          FROM   sys.foreign_keys f
          JOIN   sys.objects r ON f.referenced_object_id = r.object_id
          JOIN   sys.schemas s ON r.schema_id = s.schema_id
          CROSS  APPLY (SELECT quotename( + ','
                        FROM   sys.foreign_key_columns fc
                        JOIN   sys.columns c ON fc.parent_object_id = c.object_id
                                            AND fc.parent_column_id = c.column_id
                        WHERE  fc.constraint_object_id = f.object_id
                        ORDER  BY fc.constraint_column_id
                        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) AS fc1(collist)
          CROSS  APPLY (SELECT quotename( + ','
                        FROM   sys.foreign_key_columns fc
                        JOIN   sys.columns c ON fc.referenced_object_id = c.object_id
                                            AND fc.referenced_column_id = c.column_id
                        WHERE  fc.constraint_object_id = f.object_id
                        ORDER  BY fc.constraint_column_id
                        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) AS fc2(collist)
          WHERE  f.parent_object_id = @old_tbl_id
            AND NOT IN (SELECT e.exception FROM @exceptions e)
       OPEN @cur
       WHILE 1 = 1
          FETCH @cur INTO @ref_table, @cnst_name, @fkcols,
                          @parentcols, @upd_action, @del_action, @repl_action
          IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0
          SELECT @sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @new_tbl + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + @cnst_name + '
                         FOREIGN KEY (' + substring(@fkcols, 1, len(@fkcols) - 1) + ')
                         REFERENCES ' + @ref_table + '(' +
                             substring(@parentcols, 1, len(@parentcols) - 1) + ')
                         ON UPDATE ' + @upd_action + '
                         ON DELETE ' + @del_action + ' ' + @repl_action
          PRINT @sql
       -- Copy non-key indexes.
           SELECT index_id
           FROM   sys.indexes
           WHERE  is_primary_key = 0
             AND  is_unique_constraint = 0
             AND  is_hypothetical = 0
             AND  object_id = @old_tbl_id
             AND  name NOT IN (SELECT exception FROM @exceptions)
       OPEN @cur
       WHILE 1 = 1
          FETCH @cur INTO @index_id
          IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0
          SELECT @sql  = 'CREATE ' +
                          CASE i.is_unique WHEN 1 THEN 'UNIQUE ' ELSE '' END +
                          CASE i.index_id WHEN 1 THEN 'CLUSTERED ' ELSE '' END +
                          CASE WHEN i.type = 3 THEN 'XML '
                               WHEN i.type = 4 THEN 'SPATIAL '
                               WHEN i.type IN (5, 6) THEN 'COLUMNSTORE '
                               ELSE ''
                           END + 'INDEX ' + quotename( +
                          ' ON ' + @new_tbl +
                          '(' + substring(ic.collist.value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)'), 1,
                                    len(ic.collist.value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)')) - 1) + ')'
          FROM   sys.indexes i
          CROSS  APPLY (SELECT quotename( +
                               CASE ic.is_descending_key
                                    WHEN 1 THEN ' DESC'
                                    ELSE ''
                               END + ','
                        FROM   sys.index_columns ic
                        JOIN   sys.columns c ON ic.object_id = c.object_id
                                            AND ic.column_id = c.column_id
                        WHERE  ic.object_id = @old_tbl_id
                          AND  ic.index_id  = @index_id
                          AND  (i.type > 2 OR
                                ic.key_ordinal > 0)
                        ORDER  BY ic.key_ordinal
                        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) AS ic(collist)
          WHERE   object_id = @old_tbl_id
            AND   index_id  = @index_id
          -- Add any included columns. (We need to do this query by query, since a big
          -- query fails with a QP error, or least it did once upon a time.)
          IF EXISTS (SELECT *
                     FROM   sys.index_columns
                     WHERE  object_id = @old_tbl_id
                       AND  index_id  = @index_id
                       AND  is_included_column = 1)
             SELECT @sql +=  ' INCLUDE(' +
                             substring(ic.incllist.value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)'), 1,
                                       len(ic.incllist.value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)')) - 1) + ')'
             FROM  (SELECT quotename( + ','
                    FROM   sys.index_columns ic
                    JOIN   sys.columns c ON ic.object_id = c.object_id
                                        AND ic.column_id = c.column_id
                    WHERE  ic.object_id = @old_tbl_id
                      AND  ic.index_id  = @index_id
                      AND  ic.is_included_column = 1
                    ORDER  BY ic.index_column_id
                    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) AS ic(incllist)
          -- Tack on index filter and IGNORE_DUP_KEY setting. Thet latter is always there,
          -- so that we know that with have WITH section for the rest.
          SELECT @sql +=  CASE WHEN i.filter_definition IS NOT NULL
                                 THEN ' WHERE ' + i.filter_definition + ' '
                                 ELSE ''
                          END +
                          ' WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ' + IIF(i.ignore_dup_key = 0, 'OFF', 'ON') + ',
                                  FILLFACTOR = ' + IIF(i.fill_factor = 0, '100',
                                                       CONVERT(varchar(10), i.fill_factor)) + ',
                                  PAD_INDEX = ' + IIF(i.is_padded = 0, 'OFF', 'ON') + ',
                                  STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = ' + IIF(s.no_recompute = 0, 'OFF', 'ON') + ',
                                  ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ' + IIF(i.allow_row_locks = 0, 'OFF', 'ON') + ',
                                  ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ' + IIF(i.allow_page_locks = 0, 'OFF', 'ON') + ',
                                  DATA_COMPRESSION = ' + p.data_compression_desc + ')'
          FROM    sys.indexes i
          JOIN    sys.stats s ON i.object_id = s.object_id
                             AND i.index_id  = s.stats_id
          JOIN    sys.partitions p ON p.object_id = i.object_id
                                  AND p.index_id  = i.index_id
                                  AND p.partition_number = 1
          WHERE   i.object_id = @old_tbl_id
            AND   i.index_id  = @index_id
          PRINT @sql
       --- Copy triggers.
          SELECT sm.definition
          FROM   sys.triggers t
          JOIN   sys.sql_modules sm ON t.object_id = sm.object_id
          WHERE  t.parent_id = @old_tbl_id
            AND NOT IN (SELECT e.exception FROM @exceptions e)
       OPEN @cur
       WHILE 1 = 1
          FETCH @cur INTO @sql
          IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0
          PRINT @sql
       -- Time to move referencing foreign keys.
          SELECT quotename(,
                 quotename( + '.' + quotename(,
                 fc1.collist.value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)'),
                 fc2.collist.value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)'),
                 replace(f.update_referential_action_desc, '_', ' '),
                 replace(f.delete_referential_action_desc, '_', ' '),
                 CASE WHEN f.is_not_for_replication = 1
                      THEN 'NOT FOR REPLICATION'
                      ELSE ''
          FROM   sys.foreign_keys f
          JOIN   sys.objects r ON f.parent_object_id = r.object_id
          JOIN   sys.schemas s ON r.schema_id = s.schema_id
          CROSS  APPLY (SELECT quotename( + ','
                        FROM   sys.foreign_key_columns fc
                        JOIN   sys.columns c ON fc.parent_object_id = c.object_id
                                            AND fc.parent_column_id = c.column_id
                        WHERE  fc.constraint_object_id = f.object_id
                        ORDER  BY fc.constraint_column_id
                        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) AS fc1(collist)
          CROSS  APPLY (SELECT quotename( + ','
                        FROM   sys.foreign_key_columns fc
                        JOIN   sys.columns c ON fc.referenced_object_id = c.object_id
                                            AND fc.referenced_column_id = c.column_id
                        WHERE  fc.constraint_object_id = f.object_id
                        ORDER  BY fc.constraint_column_id
                        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) AS fc2(collist)
          WHERE  f.referenced_object_id = @old_tbl_id
            AND  f.referenced_object_id <> f.parent_object_id
            AND NOT IN (SELECT e.exception FROM @exceptions e)
       OPEN @cur
       WHILE 1 = 1
          FETCH @cur INTO @ref_schema, @ref_table, @cnst_name, @fkcols,
                          @parentcols, @upd_action, @del_action, @repl_action
          IF @@fetch_status <> 0
          -- Drop old consraint, so that the new can be added.
          SELECT @sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @ref_table + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' +  @cnst_name
          PRINT @sql
          EXEC (@sql)
          -- Then add the new one.
          SELECT @sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @ref_table + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + @cnst_name + '
                         FOREIGN KEY (' + substring(@fkcols, 1, len(@fkcols) - 1) + ')
                         REFERENCES ' + @new_tbl + '(' +
                         substring(@parentcols, 1, len(@parentcols) - 1) + ')
                         ON UPDATE ' + @upd_action + '
                         ON DELETE ' + @del_action + ' ' + @repl_action
          PRINT @sql
       IF @@trancount > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION
       ; THROW

2 additional answers

Sort by: Most helpful
  1. Olaf Helper 41,011 Reputation points


    Are there clustered index on the tables?
    Data & clustered index are always stored in the same filegroup and if you move the CI to a different filegroup, the data will be moved, too. So move the CI's.

    See Move an Existing Index to a Different Filegroup => Limitations and Restrictions => "If a table has a clustered index, moving the clustered index to a new filegroup moves the table to that filegroup."

    Keep in mind, during that process the table is locked and it can take some time till it finish. Test it first with a small table.

  2. Cris Zhan-MSFT 6,606 Reputation points

    Hi @chrisrdba ,

    >Is there a way to do this withOUT the actual CREATE TABLE statement?

    The "Generate Script" task in SSMS provides many options in the "Advanced" tab to determine the content of the script to be generated, such as foreign keys, triggers, indexes, etc. But there is no option to exclude the creation script of the table.
    It indeed includes an option: "Script DROP and CREATE", but this option determines that the t-sql statements in generated script to create objects, drop objects, or both. This option is for all objects in the script.

    And I couldn't find a quick way to do this after doing a lot of searching.

    You may need to consider manually modifying the script that generated in the SSMS database task to delete the create statement. Or search scripts that can generate triggers, foreign key constraints, etc. separately for the tables in the database. For the situation with a large number of tables, these operations are not easy.

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