Pretty straight forward but I cannot find the appropriate PowerShell Command to do this.
How do I determine what devices have been assigned to the VM via Discrete Device Assignment (DDA)?
For example, I may have 10 GPU's and I know exactly where 3 of them area, and the PCIROOT address of those 3. But I have 7 more (I have the PCIROOT of the other 7 as well) that I am not sure which VM's they are attached to (mixture of Linux and windows machines). Is there a simple command where I can give the VM name, and I get back a collection of devices that are attached to the VM?
For any that are not attached to a VM I can use the following snippet:
$pnpdevs = Get-PnpDevice -presentOnly
$gpudevs = $pnpdevs | where-object {$.Class -like "Display" -and $.Manufacturer -like "NVIDIA"}