I have an issue with azure storage blob is not returning 206 Partial content for video files.
Problem: videos are fully downloaded(20-40s for 300mb videos) and the seek bar is not working. I am using Laravel and this problem occurs only when I try to retrieve the .mp4 files from Azure Blob Storage. It was working fine when I was storing the media files on the public disk.
A Microsoft employee states that changing the x-ms-version to 2011-01-18 or later will fix my issue. LINK to the discussion:
Microsoft has a post related to setting the blob service properties: HERE
Note their sample for achieving that: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-service-properties#sample-request-and-response
I am trying to send the request via Postman like this:
PUT https://{account-name}.blob.core.windows.net/?restype=service&comp=properties
Included Headers and Response in Postman:
I searched for the error and found this question on SO: The MAC signature found in the HTTP request '...' is not the same as any computed signature
It has an accepted answer but I don't seem to get it. Is there something wrong with my Request/ Authorization header? Or I need to take a different approach?
Thanks in advance!