How to map a local COM port inside TS Session? Now, i´m unable to use a USB-Serial cable to access a serial console device
I´m trying to access a device via Serial Cable inside an RDP session
The remote device is working propely, becuase we have a OLD/XP with physycal serial port and the login is available, so the serial cable is OK
It´s a regular serial cable, like used in Cisco or other devices, Serial--RJ45 to console port
But we can´t use the XP/Serial in the long term, so the ideia is to use a second cable, in a modern Notebook, so, the main ideia is:
Insted of:
XPNote+Serial port -- Serial Cable - RJ45 Console Port
it will be use a second cable:
NewW10Note + USB port - USB-Serial Cable - Serial Cable - RJ45 Console Port
But it´s not working under RDP/TS session
COMx ports are available and there is a GPO allowing COM redirect
Client MSTSC file has : redirectcomports:i:1
The current view is:
BRRJ1-8856Y02 C:\Users\fborup>change port /query
AUX = \DosDevices\COM1
COM1 = \Device\RdpDrPort\;COM1:2\tsclient\COM1
COM3 = \Device\Serial0
COM5 = \Device\Serial2
My device is on serial COM5 (as seen above, Serial2)
How can I make sure that COM5 will redirect to the serial2, under the TS/RDP session?