Greetings -
I am recently new to Azure - tested back in the day before linux was supported.. I have been fighting hard to get a scalable linux-based php website going in a scalable fashion on this platform and am very unhappy right now. I feel like I am going through the worst part of life LOL!
First, I started with container groups. Then I hit the CPU limit for my region and realized it would not work (docs are out of date). On top of the cpu limit, I also learned the file share storage is too slow to use for a website. :/ Next, I attempted some home-grown solutions that have worked w/ on-prem equipment. Needless to say, it didnt work in Azure. Finally, I arrived at virtual machine scale sets. While the solution costs more than I would desire, it is what it is! Herein lies my curiosity for this post.....
I did my best to RTFM.. but here I am. I am on info overload w/ the caveats of Azure.. but here we go-
- I setup virtual machine scale sets in a classic fashion. Web Tier, App Tier. App GW in the front, INT LB for the App tier. App Tier is only subnet allowed for DB access. Things are outstanding! Then we test scaling..... It didnt scale. The VM's turned up, but the configurations were missing. I went back to the docs..................... As much as I love and use powershell, I rcvd nothing but errors when attempting to abide by the documentation to update my model. Even get-azvmss returned an error that it was unable to find my resource group. Therefore, I am unable to begin to update the model for each of my scale sets. My syntax looks proper. We dont have support. There is no way to report the error to M$. I have no idea what to do!
Is there another way to update the scale set image? Am I able to REST api request w/ postman to "snap" the current single instance to the "model" for the set? Frustrated, tired.. ready to go back to AWS.. advice is appreciated!