es-MX-JorgeNeural for Long Audio API
For a project I need to use Jorge's neural voice (es-mx), and I need to synthesize in riff-48khz-16bit-mono-pcm format. I am using python to send the request to the server. I have tested in three regions (eastus, uksouth, southcentralus). In all three regions when I run "python --voices..." via command line, only Dalia's neural voice (es-MX-DaliaNeural) appears, but not Jorge's voice (es-MX-JorgeNeural).
My question is: is there any region where the es-MX-JorgeNeural voice is already available? is this voice already available to synthesize in riff-48khz-16bit-mono-pcm? If not, is there any estimated time for when this voice will be available? in which region should I look for it and work with this voice?
Thank you very much!