Can we replace AWS API Gateway with Azure APIM in front of AWS Lambda Functions

Spai 71 Reputation points

Hi, our team is facing API from AWS and is curious if we can replace AWS API Gateway with Azure APIM in front of AWS Lambda Functions.

It seems lambda needs AWS API Gateway to expose as API, not sure what's the difference between Azure APIM and AWS API Gateway since they are both API Gateway

Can some experts help to explain ? Thank you

Azure API Management
Azure API Management
An Azure service that provides a hybrid, multi-cloud management platform for APIs.
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  1. MayankBargali-MSFT 69,761 Reputation points

    Hi @Spai

    I have done some research and looks like AWS API Gateway is the only way to expose your lambda function over HTTP/HTTPS.

    Q: How do I invoke an AWS Lambda function over HTTPS?

    You can invoke a Lambda function over HTTPS by defining a custom RESTful API using Amazon API Gateway. This gives you an endpoint for your function which can respond to REST calls like GET, PUT and POST. Read more about using AWS Lambda with Amazon API Gateway.


    If the AWS lambda function would have exposed over HTTP/HTTPS without AWS API gateway then in that case you could use APIM. If you want to learn more about APIM you can start with this article.

    Feel free to get back to me if you have any queries or concerns.

    Please 'Accept as answer' and ‘Upvote’ if it helped so that it can help others in the community looking for help on similar topics.

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