Sharepoing access

Kim3 Chris 1 Reputation point

Dear Team,

Except the current ID, I have another one with the "kimch_xtr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx .com"
I have tried to log-in and access the sharepoint of Hilti but it was failed.
You may find the failure message I got.

Request Id: 1eadcccb-4f06-44a0-a8ff-b3e9b79c2d00
Correlation Id: 942e20d6-2d77-44ea-8e44-a59e8733a1db
Timestamp: 2021-02-04T01:21:36Z
Message: AADSTS51004: The user account yn40+BdZDUCB25luH4jImQ== does not exist in the f039b656-fc02-4e54-88ba-82626f29b5a1 directory. To sign into this application, the account must be added to the directory.

The connect team informed me that I have to ask for "kimch_xtr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx .com" to get access granted on the sharepoint.
Could you please help?

Best Regards,

SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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  1. Echo Du_MSFT 17,121 Reputation points

    Hello @Kim3 Chris ,

    This is because Office 365 lacks the ImmutableID. More information on Soft-match/Hard-match can be found here.


    Steps to perform hard-match:

    1.Launch the PowerShell window on a server where you have AD management tools installed and run.

    Import-Module ActiveDirectory  

    Please read this article to install the PowerShell Active Directory module.

    2.Find the ObjectGUID of the user account by running the command

    Get-ADUser -Identity “user logon name” -Server “domain controller name”  


    3.Convert the Active Directory ObjectGUID value to Base64 value. The simplest method is to use this website

    4.Connect to Azure Active Directory to update the new ImmuatbleID.

    • Install the MSOnline module Install-Module -Name MSonline
    • Connect to Azure Active Directory and provide your Office 365 admin credentials. Connect-MSOLService
    • Check if ImmutableID is missing for the affected user through below command. Replace <user@keyman .tld> with user's UPN. Get-MsolUser --UserPrincipalName <user@domain.tld> | select ImmutableID


    • Now execute the below command to update the ImmutableID that was converted in step 3. Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName -ImmutableId <immutableID>
    • Then either manually run a delta sync on your Azure AD Connect server or wait for the scheduled sync cycle to complete.

    Echo Du


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