JSON - multiple aggregations extremely slow

G P 41 Reputation points

Select col1
From table1
Group by col1

The table has 78000 rows. Json_field has a json structure with 600 attributes. When I perform just one aggregation it takes less than 1 sec. The performance degrades with addition of each aggregation. The query takes 17 seconds which is not acceptable. When I perform each aggregation on its own the six queries finish in 6 sec. This tells me there is repeated parsing happening with each additional json_value.

I am new to json in sql server. Any help here would be of great value.


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Accepted answer
  1. Viorel 113.7K Reputation points

    Try two other possibilities:

    select col1,
       sum(json_value(j, '$.col2')),
       sum(json_value(j, '$.col3')),
       . . .
    from Table1
    cross apply (values (json_query(json_field, '$'))) t(j)
    group by col1


    select col1,
       . . .
    from Table1
    cross apply openjson(json_field) with 
            col2 int '$.col2', 
            col3 int '$.col3',
            . . .
    group by col1
    1 person found this answer helpful.

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