Thanks for asking question! If I have understood right you are talking about App Service Editor(formerly known as Visual Studio Online (Monaco))? To access the editor, there are two ways-
- Go to App Service Editor (Preview) in the Development Tools section of the left-hand navigation of your app and see if that works.
- In your web app url, add scm between your web app’s name and, and append /dev at the end of your url. So, if your web app’s name is app-service-demo, to access App Service Editor you need the following url:
Also try to stop the service and restart it again might be helpful.
You may refer to this blog here Understanding the Azure App Service Editor might be helpful.
Credit to Ken Cenerelli
More Details: App Service Editor, see the video series Visual Studio Online "Monaco".
Please let us know if issue remains.
Disclaimer: This response contains a reference to a third-party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you.