Create real Console mode programs in SB
about create-real-console-mode-programs-in-sb
there's an other way to build a CLI App in SB with AMC_patcher-CLI
instead of AppModeChange.exe GUI in one go.
So the essential lines in a eg. SB12Comp.bat file would be like
supposed that:
AMC.exe is anywhere in your %PATH%
%SB12% stands for your SB projects folder, where the .sb files are stored
Also adjust the the path for eg,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\SmallBasic12\SmallBasicCompiler.exe to the path, where your SBCompiler is stored.
:: AppModeChanger patcher - CLI
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO Syntax
IF "%~1"=="-?" GOTO Syntax
IF "%~1"=="/?" GOTO Syntax
IF /I "%~1"=="-h" AMC.EXE & COLOR & GOTO :EOF
IF NOT EXIST "%~f1" ECHO File "%~1" NOT found! & GOTO :EOF
IF /I NOT "%~x1"==".sb" ECHO NO .sb source file given! & GOTO :EOF
IF /I NOT "%~dp1"=="%SB12%\" ECHO Source file NOT in SB12 project folder! & GOTO :EOF
ECHO %~ftza1
@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\SmallBasic12\SmallBasicCompiler.exe" "%~f1"
:: OK : 0 errors.
:: ERR : xx errors.
IF NOT EXIST "%~dpn1.exe" ECHO Compilation ERROR! && GOTO :EOF
ERASE /F "%~dpn1.pdb"
IF "%~2"=="3" @AMC.EXE "%~dpn1.exe" 3
IF /I "%~2"=="cui" @AMC.EXE "%~dpn1.exe" 3
ECHO Compiles .sb files to .exe under SB12, as GUI (Default) or CUI App (SBConsole).
ECHO Usage %~nx0 [Path\] [Mode] [-?,/?]
ECHO ------- Mode: 2..GUI (Default), 3..CUI, uso. (s. amc.exe /?)
ECHO -h Shows orig. Help about amc.exe.
Since SB12 the used TextWindow command works different as in SB11, when you use a ConsoleHost like ConsoleZ, (Console2) etc. and the CUI App will fall out of the Console window.
To avoid this i compiled a SBConsole extension to be used instead of TextWindow commands:
So like:
SBConsole commands are like TextWindow commands, but will stay in the ConsoleHost as a real CLI app.
If you only use a simple CMD window you dont need this and can further use TextWindow commands for a console application. (6.49KB)
(you'll need to translate the xml tag infos to your language)