PowerShell - Select tags between comments

Suzana Eree 811 Reputation points

A simple example. I have this lines on 2 different html files, on Folder1 and Folder2. I want to parse (copy) some line from one folder to another, with REGEX, from the tag <tr> to </tr> tag.

The problem is that are a lots of <tr> and <tr> in the file, so I framed between the comments ( <!--START--> and <!--FINNISH--> ) the exact <tr> tags that I want to parse.


new contents

other lines 

I love powershell because is hard to understand <tags/>

other code

keep stuff including <embedded/> <tags/>


THE PROBLEM: How can I modify this PoweShell Code, as to select (with regex) only those <tr>and </tr> tags that are framed between the comments ( <!--START--> and <!--FINNISH--> )

$sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem 'c:\Folder1'
$destinationFolder = 'c:\Folder2'

foreach ($file in $sourceFiles) {

$sourceContent = Get-Content $file.FullName -Raw
$contentToInsert = [regex]::match($sourceContent,"(?ms)<tr>(.+)</tr>").value
$destinationContent = Get-Content $destinationFolder\$($file.Name) -Raw
$destinationContent = $destinationContent -replace '(?ms)<tr>(.+)</tr>)',$contentToInsert

Set-Content -Path $destinationFolder\$($file.Name) -Value $destinationContent -Encoding UTF8

} #end foreach file
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  1. Suzana Eree 811 Reputation points

    THE SOLUTION. It was all about a matter of REGEX, I had select all <!--START--> <!--FINNISH--> tags that also contains <tr> </tr> tags, so as to parse only their content

    $sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem 'c:\Folder1'  
    $destinationFolder = 'c:\Folder2'
    foreach ($file in $sourceFiles) {
    $sourceContent = Get-Content $file.FullName -Raw
    $contentToInsert = [regex]::match($sourceContent,"<!--START-->(\s*)<tr>[\s\S]+</tr>(\s*)<!--FINNISH-->").value
    $destinationContent = Get-Content $destinationFolder\$($file.Name) -Raw
    $destinationContent = $destinationContent -replace '<!--START-->(\s*)<tr>[\s\S]+</tr>(\s*)<!--FINNISH-->',$contentToInsert
    Set-Content -Path $destinationFolder\$($file.Name) -Value $destinationContent -Encoding UTF8
    } #end foreach file

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