Update entities all at once

first100 81 Reputation points

I have a list of entities returned me from external service,
in this list i would take only item with flag IsNew setted to true and save in my database.
My code is:

var entitiesLst

        foreach (var item in entitiesLst )
            if (item.IsNew == true) 

But i would like to do avoiding use of foreach cycle, there is any way to do this?


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Accepted answer
  1. Alberto Poblacion 1,556 Reputation points

    Well, you can simulate that you are not using a loop by using LINQ:

    entitiesLst.Where(item => item.IsNew).ForEach(item => context.BoxIt.Update(item));

    But note that, internally, LINQ will use a loop to implement this.

    You can also use UpdateRange:

    context.BoxIt.UpdateRange(entitiesLst.Where(item => item.IsNew));

    But, again, the internal implementation for this method will actually use a loop.

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1 additional answer

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  1. Karen Payne MVP 35,031 Reputation points

    You should be able to use AddRange of the DbContext e.g.

    public static void ForumQuestion(List<CustomerItem> list)
        var resultList = list.Where(customer => customer.ContactTypeIdentifier == 9).ToList();
        using var context = new NorthwindContext();

    Since I don't have your model these code samples use a model I have.

    Note If not using C#9

    public static void ForumQuestion(List<CustomerItem> list)
        var resultList = list.Where(customer => customer.ContactTypeIdentifier == 9).ToList();
        using (var context = new NorthwindContext())
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